Rmazon Widget

Rmazon Widget

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.

A powerful tool to embed Amazon product anywhere in WordPress post, page and widget with associates(affiliate) ID and to increase Amazon associates revenue by 300%.


Do you want to increase the revenue of Amazon associates? Definitely, right! Do you want to show the current price, stock availability, image and title of any product?

“Yes”, if the answer, I am assuring you that you are in the right place looking at great tool. The Rmazon Widget is a light-weight plugin let’s you display product data from Amazon.com on your website using simple shortcode. This plugin comes with very conversion focused design to increase click through rate.

There are four options in the Rmazon Widget settings’ page to set Amazon product advertising API access key, API secret key, the store location or country for associate and the associate tag.

Why Do Not Use Rmazon Widget?

  • If your affiliate website is not running on WordPress
  • If you do not want to increase CTR(Click-Through-Rate)
  • If you do not to increase the revenue
  • If you do not want to show the current price of product to visitor
  • If you do not want to show the product image of product

Rmazon Widget Settings

  • Access Key: Amazon product advertising API access key
  • Secret Key: Amazon product advertising API secret key
  • Country: Store location or country for associate
  • Associate Tag: Amazon associate tracking or store ID

Rmazon Widget Options & Features

  • Image: display the right product image from Amazon.com
  • Title: show the product title to visitor
  • Price: display the current product price
  • Availability: show the message in stock or not to the visitor
  • Custom Title: set custom title in case the product title does not fit your need
  • Tumble Size: set the image size of the product
  • Custom Affiliate Tag: set custom associate tracking for each product


Increase Revenue by 300%

It will help visitor to choice product by price and availability. So, they will not go though the product URL what they do not want to purchase. They will know if the product in stock or not on-site. So, it helps them to decide and purchase. So, it is how we can increase our Amazon associate revenue by 300%.

How to Get Started

  1. Buy this plugin 🙂
  2. Download the plugin file
  3. Install and active in your WordPress website
  4. Checkout the detailed documentation for setting up
  5. Sit back and enjoy the journey


Anwer Ashif

Anwer Ashif

Founder of RainaStudio. Help businesses and individuals to create and outstand their online presence. Our success rate is measurable. Our blog served all around the world and counting.


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